The WHO-Stealing Our Sovereignty

The WHO-Stealing Our Sovereignty

The World Health Organization (WHO) the same compromised group that brought us the “global pandemic” in 2020, intends to confirm a treaty passed and ratified by the USA in 2005, by then President George W. Bush.  The meeting to confirm new amendments to the “Pandemic Agreement” took place in Geneva on May 22, 2022.

The WHO is attempting to push through changes to this treaty/agreement which would give them total control over health policy worldwide. This is in lockstep with one of their partner organizations, the World Economic Forum’s (WEF’s) “Great Reset” goals. They plan to lockdown again, to confiscate farms under the guise of “protecting the earth and reduce carbon footprints” and force experimental medical injections on people in order to participate in society.

The “Pandemic Agreement” will effectively cancel individual member nations sovereignty. It would supersede the 194 member countries laws and be given power to impose its own “International Health Regulations”. These could be implemented at any time the WHO decides to do so. For any reason. They intend to nullify the unique character and culture of individual nations, and consequentially of individuals solving their own problems with their own strategies. Their aim is to merge everyone into standardized protocols and a “One World Order”. They intend to erase human independence, personal and national autonomy. They have considerable support.


1)    The WHO Director General will have the power to declare a global emergency without the consultation/approval of member states

2)    Member states would only have 48 hours to accept/reject any offer of assistance including the deployment of expert teams selected by the WHO, to their country

3)    The WHO would designate other countries to decide if a state is compliant or not with their edicts.

4)    The WHO could impose penalties on the non-compliant members

Grabbing Global Governance

In January 2022, few noticed the insertion of a new amendment in Article 12 of the original agreement which would introduce WHO “Global Governance”.  This was slated to go into effect in November 2022. However,

"A progress report will be put before WHO member states next year, with the final outcome to be presented for their consideration in May of 2024."

There are already a number of countries who have declared support for the treaty and the amendments. (see map)

Fortunately, there are thousands of medical practitioners worldwide who are organizing to resist this agreement.  Foremost among the activist groups is the World Council for Health or the WCH.  They issued this statement in March 2022.

“The World Council for Health (WCH), a coalition of scientists, doctors, lawyers, and civil society advocacy organizations, opposes the World Health Organization (WHO)’s moves to implement a power grab in the form of a global pandemic agreement, while the world’s attention is diverted by the latest crisis.

The proposed WHO agreement is unnecessary and is a threat to sovereignty and inalienable rights. It increases the WHO’s suffocating power to declare unjustified pandemics, impose dehumanizing lockdowns, and enforce expensive, unsafe, and ineffective treatments against the will of the people.

The WHO cannot be allowed to control the world’s health agenda, nor enforce bio surveillance. While it receives funding from public sources belonging to the people, it is caught in a perpetual conflict of interest because it also receives substantial funding from private interests that use their contributions to influence and profit from WHO decisions and mandates. For example, the Gates Foundation and the Gates-funded GAVI vaccine promotion alliance, contribute over $1 billion a year to the WHO.”

Further, this treaty also gives the WHO the power to censor health information worldwide. This is a giant step toward consolidating world governance in the guise of “protecting your health” and prohibiting alternative ideas, therapeutics, and lifestyles.


Fortunately, there are thousands of medical practitioners worldwide who are organizing to resist this agreement.  Foremost among the activist groups is the World Council for Health or the WCH.  They issued this statement in March 2022.

“The World Council for Health (WCH), a coalition of scientists, doctors, lawyers, and civil society advocacy organizations, opposes the World Health Organization (WHO)’s moves to implement a power grab in the form of a global pandemic agreement, while the world’s attention is diverted by the latest crisis.

The proposed WHO agreement is unnecessary and is a threat to sovereignty and inalienable rights. It increases the WHO’s suffocating power to declare unjustified pandemics, impose dehumanizing lockdowns, and enforce expensive, unsafe, and ineffective treatments against the will of the people."

Further, this treaty also gives the WHO the power to censor health information worldwide. This is a giant step toward consolidating world governance in the guise of “protecting your health” and prohibiting alternative ideas, therapeutics, and lifestyles.

The pandemic treaty with the WHO is precisely what the World Economic Forum (WEF) and its allies now need. It will put the technocratic cabal firmly in charge of the biosecurity of the whole world, and empower them to implement the rest of The Great Reset agenda.”

You can view a comprehensive discussion about the Pandemic Treaty with Ms Shabnam Palesa Mohamed from the World Council for Health at this link.

It is extremely important and urgent that there is a robust resistance to both the amended “Pandemic Agreement” created by the WHO, and to the “Smart Digital Wallet” for 'Central Banks Digital Currency' (CBDCs) introduced by companies such as IDEX and Fintech. 

This pushback needs to be effective before the WHO, the United Nations (UN), the World Economic Forum (WEF) or any other large international organizations step up their mission creep to dominate human beings in a globally governed, cyber surveilled society. The call to stop the march toward a prison planet should be a rousing call to strong, effective heartfelt action…now.

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