
Controlling Cognitive Domains

Small Wars Journal

For this article I will concentrate on China’s reach which is masterful and extensive.  Seemingly unrelated infiltration, one sided trade battles, cyber hacks and data sweeps in historically soft target sectors have exponentially exte…

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Jihadi Generations-Strategies Used for Weaponizing Children-Part 1

Jihadi Generations Part 1 Violent extremist groups are using all methods possible to wage a successful long-term campaign using children.  These groups infiltrate existing systems, threaten and radicalize important players, use extreme forms of violence…

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Jihadi Generations-Strategies Used for Weaponizing Children-Part 2

Jihadi Generations Part 2   

Female Roles

Girls are also prized as “Pearls of the Caliphate” who are either born into these violent extremist groups, sold or given over by their families, or abandoned and end up in orphanages controlled by these VEGs, (…

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Managing Post Trauma Reactions-Changing the Dialogue and Protocols

Journal of Post Trauma Stress Disorders and Treatment

This article is written in the hope that practitioners will have an arsenal of strategies for treating patients who are, or who have been in: a) conflict zones or b) have experienced and/or witnessed…

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