Jihadi Generations-Strategies Used for Weaponizing Children-Part 2

Jihadi Generations-Strategies Used for Weaponizing Children-Part 2

Jihadi Generations Part 2 

Female Roles

Girls are also prized as “Pearls of the Caliphate” who are either born into these violent extremist groups, sold or given over by their families, or abandoned and end up in orphanages controlled by these VEGs, (violent extremist groups). Some are purposely kidnapped then trafficked.

All girls must convert to Islam. The alternative is to be used as a sex slave, slave labor, or be killed.  Muslim girls are reared in strict sharia law observance given instructions on how to care for and tend jihad fighters according to their own codes.

Click on this link to the full article on Small Wars Journal: Jihadi Generations Part 2

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